The international Lindström Award 2010 workwear design competition has been won by Finnish Kati Joki, student at Lahti University O.A.S. Institute of Design. This year the participants designed a workwear collection for KONE Corporation’s maintenance personnel. The winner of the world’s only international workwear design competition for students was announced at the Lindström AWARD ceremony on Thursday, June 3.
Textile service company Lindström arranged the Lindström Award workwear design competition for clothing design students for the fifth time. Students from all over Europe and Asia took part in the competition, which is held every other year. Four of the finalists were Finns and one was a Czech student. For the first time, the competition was held for individuals.The competitors’ task was to design for KONE Corporation’s maintenance personnel a workwear collection that strengthens the company’s brand.
The finalists developed the workwear they had designed into prototypes together with Lindström’s design team.Innovative ideas from young designersThe winner of the Lindström Award is Kati Joki. According to the jury, her workwear collection emerged victorious thanks to its functionality and approachability.‘The winning collection was very functional. We paid attention to the fact that it corresponded best with the judging criteria given in the assignment’, says the chairman of the jury, fashion design professor Mascha van Zijverden from ArtEZ, Arnhem School of the Arts.
The winner will receive a traineeship at Lindström’s Design Department and a scholarship worth 5,000 euros. If the student cannot accept the traineeship, she will receive a cash prize of 4,000 euros.‘The best part of the winning collection is that it is safe and practical, also providing a good reflection of the KONE brand. This gives ideas for the future’, tells Vice President Anna Hyvönen from Maintenance Services at KONE Corporation.Lindström leads the way in global workwear designThrough the competition, Lindström wants to offer young and talented designers the opportunity to learn and create something new.‘The Lindström Award was arranged for the fifth time. For us, this is an important way of inspiring a discussion between designers, the media and various companies. This dialogue will lead to the best possible end result for the user, in other words workwear that is functional and comfortable and represents the brand of the company’, states Juha Laurio, Lindström’s President and CEO.The next Lindström Award competition will be held in 2012.